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来源: //www.rabieb.com/日期:2024-05-14 发布人:创始人


Common faults and solutions of valves

  1. 弹簧断裂:弹簧是阀门的重要部件,负责调节阀门的开启和关闭。如果弹簧断裂,阀门的调节功能将受到影响。

1. Spring fracture: The spring is an important component of the valve, responsible for regulating the opening and closing of the valve. If the spring breaks, the adjustment function of the valve will be affected.

  2. 阀门卡住:由于杂质或锈迹,阀门可能被卡住,无法正常开启或关闭。

2. Valve stuck: Due to impurities or rust, the valve may be stuck and unable to open or close normally.

  3. 密封件损坏:阀门的密封件如O型圈、垫片等的损坏会导致阀门泄漏。

3. Damaged seals: Damage to valve seals such as O-rings and gaskets can lead to valve leakage.

  4. 执行机构故障:阀门的执行机构如齿轮、活塞等出现故障,可能导致阀门无法正常调节。

4. Malfunctions in the actuator: Malfunctions in the actuator of the valve, such as gears and pistons, may cause the valve to be unable to adjust properly.


The following are the corresponding handling methods for the above faults:

  1. 弹簧断裂:更换弹簧。注意,在安装新弹簧时,应确保弹簧与阀门设计要求相匹配。


1. Spring fracture: Replace the spring. Note that when installing a new spring, it should be ensured that the spring matches the valve design requirements.

  2. 阀门卡住:清洗阀门,去除可能导致卡住的杂质或锈迹。如果问题依然存在,可能需要拆下阀门进行彻底检查,或者使用特殊工具进行润滑和清洗。

2. Valve jamming: Clean the valve to remove any impurities or rust that may cause jamming. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to remove the valve for a thorough inspection, or use special tools for lubrication and cleaning.

  3. 密封件损坏:更换损坏的密封件,如O型圈、垫片等。注意,在安装新密封件时,应确保密封件完好无损,并在安装过程中避免划伤或过度压缩。

3. Damaged seal: Replace the damaged seal, such as O-ring, gasket, etc. Note that when installing new seals, ensure that the seals are intact and avoid scratches or excessive compression during the installation process.

  4. 执行机构故障:拆下执行机构进行检修,更换损坏的部件,如齿轮、活塞等。注意,在安装新部件时,应按照说明书的要求进行操作,确保安装正确。

4. Malfunction of the actuator: Remove the actuator for maintenance and replace damaged components such as gears, pistons, etc. Note that when installing new components, follow the instructions in the manual to ensure proper installation.


The above is an introduction to the content of Lianggong Valve. We hope it can be helpful to you. If you have any related needs, please contact us for a detailed discussion //www.rabieb.com


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